Senin, 14 November 2011
Color Crush-Blue and Green4
Making the transition from blue to green has been fun but this is all about the blue and green!! Check it out.
Wow!!! Beautiful
Doesn't need a whole lot of the the green to make it stand out in this room. Even though there are lots of the blue in this room the color green makes a presence with the two modern day Queen Ann Chairs. I'm crushing hard on this beautiful room.
What a
Minggu, 13 November 2011
A Beautiful Home - 1940's Sydney Bungalow
This family home was transformed from a cramped dark house into this breezy open home.
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So much to love about the living room - the cane chair, orginal fireplace, velvet sofa and Missoni cushions |
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The dining table gives great contrast to the Bentwood chairs |
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I love this master bedroom, it's so simple but for me has impact. The doors that open out to a private courtyard is divine. A very peaceful space. |
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Gorgeous little girls room that with definitely grow with her over time. Missoni butterfly cushions on the bed, so cute. |
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Perfect outside entertaining area. If you look to the bottom right of the pic is a very cool little cubby house for the kids with it's own alfresco dining area, too cute. |
images via house&garden
''Kids Bedrooms Blue and Green"
If you are looking for inspiration for kids bedrooms with the color blue and green check out these blue and green bedrooms from our blog.
Very simple blue and green kids bedroom. I love the standing ruler and next to the chair and very fun way to measure the height of your youngster something g my husband so every year at the same month and date for our daughter and boy do they grow so fast.
Gratitude around the world
My last few weeks have been mind-blowing with so much work. Finishing projects, preparing the special Christmas makeover shows, meetings and more meetings. I have spent countless hours on the computer, where sometimes I fall asleep, and never working less than 12 hours a day... I, who know myself as a positive and optimistic person, recognize that fatigue makes me see life a little gray... that's how I've been in recent weeks Gray mood, but today when I took a moment to finally pay attention to my blog I had a moment of profound gratitude. And this post is dedicated to all my followers blog friends in the 4 corners of the world, that make my day sweeter.
As minhas últimas semanas têm sido alucinantes de trabalho, a acabar projectos, a preparar os programas especiais de Natal do Querido, reuniões e mais reuniões. Tenho passado horas infindáveis no computador, onde às vezes adormeço, e a trabalhar nunca menos de 12 horas por dia... Eu, que sou uma pessoa sempre positivista e optimista reconheço que cansaço me faz ver a vida meio cinzenta. E é assim que tenho andado nas últimas semanas, mas hoje, quando tirei uns momentos para finalmente dar atenção ao meu blogue tive um momento de profunda gratidão. Deixem-me espalhar um pouco de gratidão pelos 4 cantos do mundo e dedicar este post a todas as minhas amigas seguidoras, que tornaram o meu dia mais feliz.
Thank you MEXICO CITY and Macarena from Chic and Posh.
If anyone will ever know my work in Mexico or South America it's because of Maca...
She was one of my first followers overseas and she must be such a smart, wonderful friend to be around with. Check out her blog cause it's worth it!
Obrigado Cidade do México e Macarena do 'Chic e Posh'.
Se alguém ficar a conhecer o meu trabalho no México ou na América do Sul é por causa de Maca ... Ela foi uma das minhas primeiras seguidoras no estrangeiro e deve ser uma amigona daquelas que queremos ter por perto. Vejam o blogue dela que vale a pena.
Thank you LISBON and Lisete from 'White Glam'.
She is a new kid on the block of bloggers and the funny thing is that we actually worked together a few years ago when she was one of the research journalists on a TV Show I produced and then we both discovered our second love, the world of decor. Check out her blog on the link below.***
Obrigada LISBOA e Lisete do "White Glam".
Ela é a nova miúda do bairro dos blogues e o mais engraçado é que trabalhámos juntas há uns anos atrás, quando ela foi a jornalista de um dos programas que eu produzia na Valentim de Carvalho. Entretanto ambas descobrimos a paixão pela decoração. Cliquem na imagem em baixo e visitem o blog dela. Thank you BRASIL and Paula Kasas!
I do not know Paula in person because she is one of my Brazilian followers (the second country where I have more followers) but is a sweetheart who spoke of my work on her blog and judging by the smile she must be a sympathy for sure! Check out her blog too.
Obrigada BRASIL e Paula Kasas!
Não conheço a Paula porque ela é uma das minhas seguidoras Brasileiras (o segundo País de onde tenho mais seguidoras) mas é uma querida que falou do meu trabalho no blogue dela e a avaliar pelo sorriso é uma simpatia com certeza! Vejam no link da imagem abaixo.
Thank you MADEIRA and 'Mãe de Patins' or 'Mom on Wheels'!!!
Isn't that a cool name?!? when I found ... blog I couldn't help but laugh with this mom's sense of humor cause on her blog title you can read... 'Mom... Manager... Coach... between diappers and pans... on High Heels or on wheels but allways in FASHION! ' Check it out cause this woman is funny!
Obrigado MADEIRA e "Mãe de Patins '!
Não é um nome giro?!? quando eu encontrei o blog desta minha seguidora não pude deixar de rir, do título do blog e de alguns posts. Mais um blog com fotos do meu trabalho para verem no link em baixo.
Thank you PORTO and Inês Pereira from 'Perfect Home'.
Obrigado PORTO e Inês Pereira de 'Perfect Home'.
Ela é uma professora de Marketing da Universidade do Porto com um amor para decoração de interiores. É uma das minhas queridas seguidoras do blogue e fez um post sobre o meu trabalho para verem na imagem em baixo... 'Perfect Home'. ![]() |
Eu volto amanhã com fotos do programa transmitido hoje, não percam!
Ana Antunes
Inspiration for a Monday ...
Have a gorgeous week everyone
images via thestylesoup, everythingfabulous, gildandgrace, hautedesign
Color Crush- Blue and Green3
I always loved the color green but I'm just crushing on it with the blue. What a great combination!!!
Now I just absolutely love this room I can't really articulate
how much I love this room, it utters perfection and excellence on the part of
the designer that designed this lovely room. When I look at the wallpaper, the green painted wall and the stripe on the floor I just get all
Sabtu, 12 November 2011
Welcome Home ...
There are so many important spaces in the home but you would have to put the entrance to your home right up there right?
For some reason I am fascinated by entrances to homes, whether they are big and grand or like these smaller entrances with a bit of personality.
I would love to see what the rest of these homes look like, don't you?
images via beautifulsoup, becauseitsawesome, houseandhome, interiorsporn, thisisglamorous
Jumat, 11 November 2011
Elaborate Masterpiece Hits the Austin Real Estate Market - 12400 Cedar Street, $15 Million
12400 Cedar Street has hit the Austin real estate market - with a bang. This newly listed 15,394 sq. foot, multi-story masterpiece overlooking Lake Travis is Austin's most expensive listing: $15 million. Built on 10 acres, the elaborate home sits atop a hill with its highly recognizable rotunda reaching into the sky (in my opinion, don't like the rotunda - would look better without, I'd say!). This Italian manse features several stories of balconies and verandas overlooking the pool, slide, and waterfall. Oh, and have I mentioned the views of Lake Travis? Ok, let's move inside. The interior is not overly stylish with golden walls; more of a soft luxury. Key features include 6 bedrooms and 13 (seriously) bathrooms. A home theater, library, exceptional wine cellar, fitness room, massage room, entertainment room, and indoor basketball are also situated within the residence. The estate also features a detached pavilion perfect for outdoor gigs and parties. It's listed for $15 million.
Thanks for reading,
Friday's Runway Decorate Week3
it’s Friday and you know what that means!!! Friday's Runway Decorate. This is
week 3. Should I say “the interior designers are rockin the runway “Well OK
their very inspired? Check out this week’s Runway inspirations.
is how you get bold with it! The runway model is rocking a bold orange skirt
with a bold purple blouse and the shoes are just hot. This leave's the interior
Kamis, 10 November 2011
Color Crush- Blue and Green2
Interior Designer- Eileen Kathryn Boyd
Eileen Kathryn Boyd is an amazing designer and I must say she is
truly inspiring. When I noticed her work I was blown away and I knew that I had
to share these beautiful rooms of great color and balance in all since of
design. The color crush I have on blue and green is unquestionably validated by
the looks of these rooms. Thanks to Eileen
Rabu, 09 November 2011
Girl's bathroom
I am currently working on a girl's bathroom that will be completely gutted with an end result that feels fresh, youthful and fun. We sourced the vanity from Restoration Hardware and that was our starting point. I then found a great Annie Selke fabric with a bold poppy print perfect for a roman shade. The colours in the fabric were the jumping off point for the glass mosaic tiles. I am using them as an accent in the middle of one shower wall. The 2x4 white tiles will be laid in a brick pattern everywhere else including the apron of the tub. I then came across these great capiz shell sunburst mirrors and little sparkly ice cube pendant's that will hang above each mirror to add some glam. I hope the girl's like it!
Real Estate Snitch Wednesdays'-Rihanna
It’s Time for this week’s Real Estate
Snitch Wednesdays’ Well here we go again …. This week the snitch is
snitching on the Barbados-born international superstar Rihanna and boy am I
going to blow the whistle on her Real estate list. Rihanna has to some extent silently
put her Beverly Hills, CA mansion on the market with an asking price of $4,500,000. Apparently it was hush, hush, but you
Bathroom Projects by Ana Antunes at Leroy Merlin 5/6
E por fim as fotos dos 2 últimos ambientes , o 'Lavabo Social Romântico' e o 'Glamour Sofisticado'.
O lavabo social com um pouco mais de elementos decorativos do que os que são regularmente usados numa casa de banho mas o conceito foi precisamente, marcar a diferença porque se trata de um espaço para ser usado pelas visitas, sem vapores de banhos, onde podemos ter um ambiente mais decorado e menos casa de banho. Neste caso foi usado o papel de parede do friso para cima para marcar a diferença. Espero que gostem!
Finally the pictures of the last two. The 'Romantic restroom' and 'Sophisticated Glamorous' one.
The restroom with a little more decorative elements that are regularly used in a bathroom. The concept was precisely to make a difference because it is a space to be used by guests, without steam baths, where we have a more decorated space. In this case we used the wallpaper to make a difference. I hope you like them!
The restroom with a little more decorative elements that are regularly used in a bathroom. The concept was precisely to make a difference because it is a space to be used by guests, without steam baths, where we have a more decorated space. In this case we used the wallpaper to make a difference. I hope you like them!
Ambiente 5
A Maria e o António têm 50 anos. Vivem em Lisboa num apartamento situado no Campo Grande. Ela foi professora de línguas e ele ex-militar. Adoram receber familiares ou amigos em casa. Como hobbies ela gosta de pintar e ele de escrever. Gostam ainda de actividades culturais e viagens
Esta casa de banho encontra-se perto da sala de estar e jantar e tem como objectivo ser utilizada pelas visitas. Trata-se de um espaço pequeno, apenas com lavatório e sanita. Como tal, é um espaço mais decorado, onde se pode recorrer a elementos como o papel de parede, visto não existirem humidades e vapores de banho.
O estilo romântico, datado do século XIX, aqui é reinterpretado à maneira contemporânea. O pavimento de mosaico que simula fielmente um soalho de madeira, associado a um lambrim cerâmico que se parece com um papel de parede texturado, ajuda a criar o conceito. Para a o restante revestimento optou-se por um papel de parede com motivos vegetalistas e molduras encimadas por laços, branco e cinza, um detalhe típico do período neoclássico inicial. Todo este ambiente é rematado com elementos ornamentais, como os dois candeeiros redondos de cristais que enquadram o espelho oval trabalhado, numa talha voluptuosa. Os apontamentos de cor malva, nas toalhas de mãos e no arranjo floral, funcionam como apontamento de cor.
O recurso a elementos metálicos, polidos e espelhados – quer seja no tampo da sanita, quer seja no inox do toalheiro ou nas torneiras, e ainda nas molduras em cima da bancada, conferem a actualidade necessária para que este ambiente não seja só uma recriação do passado e sim algo mais contemporâneo.
"Romantic restroom"
Antonio and Maria have 50 years. They live in an apartment in Lisbon in Campo Grande. She was a language teacher and he ex-military. Love getting family or friends at home. As hobbies she likes to paint and to write it. Still like to cultural activities and trips
This bathroom is near the living room and dining room and is intended to be used by visitors. It is a small space with only a sink and toilet. As such, it is a more decorated, where you can refer to elements such as wallpaper, as there is no moisture and steam bath.
The romantic style, dating from the nineteenth century, is here reinterpreted in contemporary way. The floor mosaic that faithfully simulates a wood floor, combined with a ceramic paneling that looks like a textured wallpaper, helps create the concept. For the rest it was decided to finish a wallpaper with motifs and frames topped by ties, white and gray, a typical detail of the original Neoclassical period. This whole environment is topped with ornamental elements, such as two round crystal lamps framing the oval mirror worked, a voluptuous carvings. The touches of mauve, the hand towels and floral arrangement, function as pointing color. The use of metallic elements, mirrored and polished - be it on top of the toilet either in the towel or stainless steel taps, and even in the frames on the counter, give the timeliness necessary for this environment is not only a recreation of the past, but something more contemporary.
Ambiente 6
"Glamour Sofisticado"
A Mariana tem perto de 40 anos, é divorciada e sem filhos. Mora no centro de Lisboa. É empresária, dona de uma empresa de Publicidade. Gosta de cinema, teatro e do Glamour Vintage inspirado em Hollywood.
Esta casa de banho faz parte da suite. Com base no glamour ‘Hollywoodesco’, a escolha do preto e branco, elegante e intemporal, ajuda a criar a sofisticação necessária e, ao mesmo tempo, a contemporaneidade exigida.
Para tal, recorreu-se ao uso de elementos lacados a preto, alto brilho, visível no móvel do lavatório, em contraste com uma sanita em preto mate e uma banheira independente, de pé clássico, branca, centrada à frente de uma janela. O revestimento cerâmico de cor preta, que recria um lambrim, encimado por um (REVESTIMENTO CERÂMICO!) com o padrão pied-poule suave em tons de branco e cinza, relembrando um papel de parede; com uma estereotomia clássica no pavimento de quadrados brancos envoltos numa outline a negro, ajudam a compor este ambiente. Nada aqui está em demasiado e tudo encontra-se na proporção certa para que haja equilíbrio e conforto visual e estético. Salienta-se ainda uma composição nas paredes com quadros de moldura preta, com fotos do famoso ícone de Hollywood, Marilyn Monroe, que ajudam a reforçar o conceito.
"Sophisticated & Glamorous"
Mariana has nearly 40 years, is divorced and childless. He lives in central Lisbon. It businesswoman, owner of an advertising company. Like cinema, theater and inspired by Vintage Hollywood Glamour.
This bathroom is part of the suite. Based on the glamorous 'Hollywood style', the choice of black and white, elegant and timeless, helps create the necessary sophistication and at the same time, the contemporary required.
To this end, we resorted to the use of elements lacquered in black, high gloss, visible in the Mobile basin, in contrast to a matt black toilet and bath independently, standing classic, white, centered in front of a window. The ceramic coating of black, which creates a paneling topped by pied poule patterned tiles with shades of white and gray, and remembering a wallpaper; with a classic white squares on the floor wrapped in a black outline, help make this environment. Nothing here is too much and everything is in proportion to have a balance and visual comfort and aesthetic. Note also a composition on the walls with pictures of black frame with photos of famous Hollywood icon Marilyn Monroe, which helps reinforce the concept.
Again I do want to know which one is your favourite!
And from all 6 of them too.
And from all 6 of them too.
Adorava saber, qual o vosso favorito destes 2 e dos 6!
Para os ver ao vivo, já sabem, basta ir até à Leroy Merlin de Alfragide!
Ajudem-nos a escolher os que vão ser escolhidos para as lojas de Matosinhos e Albufeira!
Até Amanhã
Ana Antunes
Para os ver ao vivo, já sabem, basta ir até à Leroy Merlin de Alfragide!
Ajudem-nos a escolher os que vão ser escolhidos para as lojas de Matosinhos e Albufeira!
Até Amanhã
Ana Antunes
Selasa, 08 November 2011
Dining Rooms-Blog Recap
Blog recap of random dining rooms inspirations, check out the dining rooms we
put together thus far.
Friday Runway Decorate week2
Color Crush Dark Blue3
Friday's Runway Decorate Week2
Real Estate Snitch Wednesday's-Corey Maggette
Real Estate Snitch Wednesdays- Mark Pincus
Which Color Should I Use?
Bold Room Colors
Bold Room Colors
Bold Room Colors
Getting BOLD with it!
This is bold design at its best. The designer who designed this room went for the jugular and brought it home. When I was researching bold interiors I came across this lovely design done by panacheinteriors and boy was I impressed with this design. If you were afraid of going bold before. If nothing else I’m sure this room boosts your confidence.
Hmmm what should
Bathroom Showroom Projects at Leroy Merlin - 3 / 4
Olá amigas blogers!
Aqui estão as fotos de mais dois ambientes e respectivos conceitos, que estão em exposição na loja Leroy Merlin de Alfragide. Espero que gostem!
Aqui estão as fotos de mais dois ambientes e respectivos conceitos, que estão em exposição na loja Leroy Merlin de Alfragide. Espero que gostem!
Hello blogger friends!
Here are photos of two more showroom bathrooms on display at Leroy Merlin Megastore Alfragide. Hope you like them!Ambiente 3
Futurista Moderno
O Rui tem 35 anos e é designer industrial de protótipos num centro de investigação no Tagus Parque. Tem um bom ordenado e vive sozinho num apartamento em Oeiras. Gosta de se rodear de inovação tecnológica e ideias inovadoras. Como hobbie pratica surf para relaxar.
Esta casa de banho tem acesso directo para o quarto do Rui. Futurista de conceito, quase saído de um filme de ficção científica, este espaço assume-se como um ambiente vanguardista mas perfeitamente actual.Através do recurso formal pouco usual, como a utilização de volumes cilíndricos e superfícies redondas associadas às linhas direitas, ao uso e abuso do espelhos e do seu reflexo até ao infinito, das cores branco, cinza e prata, e do recurso dos efeitos dramáticos da luz, este espaço surge como um módulo espacial e de aparência ‘High Tech’.
O revestimento cerâmico principal cria um padrão geométrico de triângulos que joga com as superfícies ora mate ora brilhante, nos tons cinza claro, prata e branco, criando um efeito gráfico surpreendente. Pontualmente, podemos encontrar em algumas zonas da parede, uma pastilha tridimensional antracite brilhante que tanto dá profundidade como envolve o utente.Por cima do duche tubular, surge um rebaixo redondo no tecto, espelhado, que confere a esta cabine a sensação de máquina do tempo ou teletransporte.
"Modern Futuristic"
Rui has 35 years and is an industrial designer prototype a research center in Tagus Park. It has a good salary and lives alone in an apartment in Oeiras. He likes to surround yourself with technological innovation and innovative ideas. Practice surfing as a hobby to relax.
This bathroom has direct access to the room of Rui. Futuristic concept, almost out of a science fiction movie, this space is assumed as an avant-garde setting but perfectly now. Making use of formal unusual, as the use of cylindrical volumes associated with round surfaces and straight lines, the use and abuse and its mirrors reflecting to infinity, the colors white, gray and silver, and the use of dramatic effects of light, this space appears as a space module and appearance 'High Tech'.
The main ceramic coating creates a geometric pattern of triangles that plays with surfaces either matte bright now, in gray tones, black and white, creating a striking graphic effect. Occasionally, we may find in some areas of the wall, insert a three-dimensional charcoal so brilliant that adds depth as it involves the user. Above the shower tube, there is a round recess in the ceiling, mirrored, which gives this cabin a sense of time machine or teleport.
Ambiente 4
"SPA Ecológico"
A Marta e o Gonçalo estão na idade dos 30; ela é bióloga e ele é professor de filosofia. Moram em Odeceixe, numa moradia contemporânea integrada na Natureza. Adoram acampar e actividades associadas ao meio ambiente.
Esta casa de banho foi pensada para servir as necessidades da actualidade, atribuindo-lhe um aspecto físico de Spa. A parede central funciona como um eixo que divide o espaço e distribui a circulação. No centro encontra-se o lavatório, numa saliência da parede que serve de tampo. Por detrás, encontra-se um duche com hidromassagem de 6 jactos encastrados. Revestido a cerâmico a imitar madeira, esta superfície recria um ambiente mais quente. As paredes laterais são revestidas a uma pastilha cerâmica tridimensional de cor cinzento claro, que cria um interesse visual: um jogo de luz sombra dado através da iluminação. O cinzento com a madeira, remete-nos para um ambiente envolvente, de relaxamento e Zen. O uso de espelhos nas paredes laterais do fundo, servem para multiplicar o espaço dando-lhe, através da ilusão óptica, uma maior profundidade. Na decoração podemos ainda encontrar apontamentos de verde que reforça o conceito.
Gonzalo and Marta are in the age of 30, she is a biologist and he is a professor of philosophy. They live in Odeceixe, contemporary townhouse built in Nature. They love camping and associated activities on the environment.
This bathroom was designed to serve the needs of today, giving it a physical aspect of Spa The wall acts as a central axis that divides the space and distributes the circulation. In the center is the sink, on a ledge of the wall that serves as a lid. Behind, is a hydro-massage shower with six jets embedded. Ceramic coated to imitate wood, this surface recreates a warmer environment. The side walls are covered with ceramic insert a three-dimensional light gray, which creates a visual interest: a shadow play of light given by lighting. The gray with wood, brings us to a surrounding environment, relaxation and Zen The use of mirrors on the bottom side walls serve to multiply the air, giving, through the optical illusion, a greater depth. In decoration we can still find notes of green that reinforces the concept.
"Ecological SPA"
Gonzalo and Marta are in the age of 30, she is a biologist and he is a professor of philosophy. They live in Odeceixe, contemporary townhouse built in Nature. They love camping and associated activities on the environment.
This bathroom was designed to serve the needs of today, giving it a physical aspect of Spa The wall acts as a central axis that divides the space and distributes the circulation. In the center is the sink, on a ledge of the wall that serves as a lid. Behind, is a hydro-massage shower with six jets embedded. Ceramic coated to imitate wood, this surface recreates a warmer environment. The side walls are covered with ceramic insert a three-dimensional light gray, which creates a visual interest: a shadow play of light given by lighting. The gray with wood, brings us to a surrounding environment, relaxation and Zen The use of mirrors on the bottom side walls serve to multiply the air, giving, through the optical illusion, a greater depth. In decoration we can still find notes of green that reinforces the concept.
Now... wich one is your favourite!?
Qual o vosso favorito?
Para os ver ao vivo, já sabe, basta ir até à Leroy Merlin de Alfragide!
Até amanhã
Ana Antunes
Para os ver ao vivo, já sabe, basta ir até à Leroy Merlin de Alfragide!
Até amanhã
Ana Antunes
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